Friday, November 27, 2015

Dotcom to Dotbomb to Dot

          This was the rapid era where many crazy things where happening all at the same time. This time was an early technology world run which became phenomena but failed after short period of time. This time changed the lives of millions of people from poor to rich to poor. To make more sense of it this era is divided into six time periods- An Innocent Beginning, Boom!, Insanity!!, Bust!@#%*!, The Crawl Back to Sanity, Bonus Stage: Uh-oh…
          Everything started in 1993, with a good start of the insanity. Day by Day it gets crazier with companies with everyone going online and tons of new companies starting and were worth millions of dollars with all the people investing in them. All the big companies were going online with their products. All the computer related people were getting the doubled their salaries with shares as bonuses. The stocks were sky rocking and ridiculous amount of money was getting involved.
          Bust 2001, a lot of companies went bankrupt because they were not capable of running at the first place. It was just big mistake for letting companies and making the stock overvalued by buying it. It took a long time get out of this huge mass virtual earthquake. In 2015, everyone is online and we learnt from our past mistakes well.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Erik Hanberg

Erik Hanberg was the guest speaker in our class and talked about his experience about the whole internet and new opportunities at amazon with his books. He is currently commissioner of Metro Parks Board of Tacoma with a history of Hartio theater. Steven Hawking said the biggest threat on us is the Artificial Intelligence. Erik is author of number of books around 10, he started in 2009 and some books are based on "The 4 hour work week" book.
                 "The privacy you have today is the most privacy you will ever have" -Andrew Fry and Erik Hanberg. Very strong statement and has a deep message that the privacy is going to decrease from day by day. He also talked about the business side of the books selling, how its much easier than earlier. The difference in money making of having your publisher and doing it yourself. Amazon takes the 30% of the whole for selling, packing from the whole amount.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Three Things Not To Buy Online

1. House- It was very important to check it out, the location, make sure it legit really a house and no scam. It worth alot of money that the if its fake, it will not be easy to heal from it. I saw this news few weeks ago, it could get worse when you buy online.
2. Car- Because looking online doesn't give full satisfaction about if it has any damage, good engine and looking the papers.
3. Groceries- can buy few but still have to go big Grocery to buy them.

Scavenger Hunt Activity

This activity was about searching internet to find the answers of the questions. Questions were based on the information that we can online but needs some searching and digging. It was interesting to find the amount and depth of information we can find in the matter of milliseconds. Some questions were easy to find but for some questions some work was needed. It was a fun activity and somethings different, new and unexpected. 
In my group we divided the questions paper into 3. It was faster and we help each other when the person doing it couldn't find the answer. Middle sister's married name was one of the hardest question, I answered Nancy but I heard she is the youngest sister. So I don't know. We turned in our paper the second, we got the best surprise ever $5 Starbucks gift card, which was more shocking than surprising.