Saturday, March 9, 2019

Funding (All is in the Cloud)

There are many different ways to start the Funding of the Company. It is very important to have a good business plan and also important to have good, hard working and trust worthy business partners. It is very important to be committed to the plan and go through the hard ships. To start the company I will try to patents first and I will try to discuss with my family and friends about it. The first test to test the idea in real world and make sure it worth the effort.  For the start up, I will try to do it full time with the saving may be around $10,000 - 20,000 to put in. There should be small goals every day, month, quarter and yearly. I will try to get my partners based on their experience and their passion in the company. The first step will be building a team and making a corporation or Limited Liability Team in which it will be clearly written about the member and the percentages of their share in the company. The first step will be try to convince my family, friends to give me some loan for the startup for the company around $80,000 to $100,000.  Our company will also try to get some percentage as an advance payment from the clients and also sign contract with them about the services being provided and the payment details with them. When the company gets on a bigger level, we can approach the investors, banks and other money loan lending institutes.

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