Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Epic 2015

This video was made in 2005 so it had the history of internet ere and had some predictions about what will happen up to 2015. The video starts with the history of the technology with Amazon and google stepping up there game. It was pretty cool to see how all the massive companies worth billions of dollars and very strong are very young less than 20 years old. They were just an idea and became history. Some companies were big earlier day but after sometime went downhill and just became stories.

1990 World Wide Web by Tim Berners Lee.
1994 Amazon was founded, online store.
1995 Google was founded, today's biggest search engine and strongest company.
1999 Blogger was founded.
2001 Friendster, the first social networking website.

Incorrect predictions-
Google and Amazon combines for Googlezon and take over everything.
Googlerid and Microsoft.
New York Times sues Googlezon.

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