Friday, February 22, 2019

Matt Tolentino Guest Speaker

This week's guest speaker was Matt Tolentino, he was a very interesting personality and had a great amount and variety of experience in many different categories. He talked about his whole experience of running a business and the ups and down that it comes with working with people. He is the founder of the company named Intelligent Platform & Architecture IPA which worked with the Fire fighter and developed a product by just going up to the Tacoma fire department about what issues or problems they have. His product increased the safety of the fire fighters when they go in the field and also gives them homework about the building or the area they are going in about any chemical spills or any other dangerous products. It also gives the floor plan of the building they are going in and it could be a life death in these situation by knowing the floor and also about the exits of the building. Sometimes, developing of a product could be just seeing the problems and finding the solutions of them. It is very important to make product that has a positive change in everyday lives and could help us whole. It almost one year to fully develop this product from scratch to a real world working technology. It was easy for him to get funding for these kind of projects and the company who paid him got the owns the product but he is still keeps the patent and license of this product. He is an Assistant Professor at University of Washington Tacoma and he teaches electrical engineering.

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