Friday, February 22, 2019

Matt Tolentino Guest Speaker

This week's guest speaker was Matt Tolentino, he was a very interesting personality and had a great amount and variety of experience in many different categories. He talked about his whole experience of running a business and the ups and down that it comes with working with people. He is the founder of the company named Intelligent Platform & Architecture IPA which worked with the Fire fighter and developed a product by just going up to the Tacoma fire department about what issues or problems they have. His product increased the safety of the fire fighters when they go in the field and also gives them homework about the building or the area they are going in about any chemical spills or any other dangerous products. It also gives the floor plan of the building they are going in and it could be a life death in these situation by knowing the floor and also about the exits of the building. Sometimes, developing of a product could be just seeing the problems and finding the solutions of them. It is very important to make product that has a positive change in everyday lives and could help us whole. It almost one year to fully develop this product from scratch to a real world working technology. It was easy for him to get funding for these kind of projects and the company who paid him got the owns the product but he is still keeps the patent and license of this product. He is an Assistant Professor at University of Washington Tacoma and he teaches electrical engineering.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Erik Hanberg Guest Speaker

Erik Hanberg was our guest Speaker. This was the second time that I got the chance to attend his seminar previously in the class last year. Erik has a great experience working the the publishing and marketing world. He has written a series of books that the coolest part about that was one time that he just wrote the first part of the book to see the demand of the his readers if there is demand for his book and see it would be smart to invest in the time and money with his book. He said it got really easier with the help with the technology and Amazon. From the traditional book to the electronic selling books, the book authors can be there own business marketers and entrepreneurs. There are set back if there is shortage of funds for the advertising and marketing of the products. He also has worked and managed in different fields from podcasts and also Grand Cinema. He also has companies include Horatio, Side x Side and Suite 133 which is a company that do share business. He also told about his own experience in running business and spending the least amount of money. How different types of difficulties have to face while running a business. He has focused on the Tacoma area which is makes it easier to work on one place at a time. It is very important to be aware of the audience of how to approach the audience and try to stay on top of the audience about their attributes and change if any are needed over time. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Protecting Intellectual property

To start a business, it is very important to come up with a unique idea that makes them different from others and successful if they follow through with it. Coming up with the right idea is very important and it will be document that needs a lot of research and need to change depends on the demand will change. It is very easy to hack and steal information from the hacking and other techniques. Putting it down on the paper and making it a legal document and getting the rights for it is very important and on time. It is important to put all the important details in the document and do some research about it.  It is very important to keep this idea safe and protected from others. The first is to make a trademark of the idea and do it in a company. It will make the trade mark will only be used by you and can’t be used by others. Copyright could also be used to keep it safe which means that I own that kind of software and is the owner of the property. Using Confidentiality agreement for the members of the company or even employees and action can be taken against them if they leaked or the information is leaked. It is also important to sign a contract with the client so that the rules and regulations of the service being provided to the them in the simple words so there should not any problems or any other issues with it. It is very important to protect the intellectual property because it will keep the idea safe.